That Saturday we met at Starbucks (of course) and then had lunch at La Hacienda. Nothing like some good Mexican food before a hike in the woods, right? After grabbing post-lunch coffee we headed out to Angela's old neighborhood and parked near where she thought the old building used to stand. She wasn't sure how far into the woods it was because when you are a kid your sense of time and distance are slightly skewed. We parked my Jeep and started walking up the path and headed into the woods. Most of the woods were open enough where you could walk with no problem but there were a few times where we had to bushwhack to get through. We walked and walked and walked and didn't see much of anything. We checked the map on the phone several times and changed our direction based on what Angela could remember about the location.

After a long walk we finally reached the car and we were all about to collapse. Tabitha went into her pockets to get the keys but the search for them lasted a little too long and her hand checked one too many pockets for my comfort. I said "you do have the keys, don't you??" She kept feeling around and then said "No". I thought she was joking so I asked her again. She said "No". I said "swear on my parents graves that you do not have the keys" and she did. Holy crap. We covered so much area in the woods I knew that we were never going to find them but we went back to look anyway. Angela said she thought Tabitha dropped them when she ran off to rescue me. I was pretty surprised at how much I didn't care that she lost them. She thought I was pissed at her but I thought it was kind of funny.
So... we retraced our steps to no avail. The keys were lost forever to the woods of the missing cemetery.
While walking back to the Jeep we heard a low, deep male voice say something.
We stopped in our tracks and just looked at each other. One of us said
"What?" and we heard the voice again... "You are walking in front of my
deer stand." Again, we looked at each other and one of us said "Okay,
sorry! please don't shoot us - we are leaving!" We started walking and
next thing we know there is this guy walking up to us with a shotgun
over his shoulder. All I could think of was to thank the universe that
he didn't think we were some plump, tasty deer!! The next thought that
crossed my mind was the fact that we were in the woods with this stranger who has
a shotgun. I couldn't wait to get back to my car! This guy starts
telling us about his kills and pulled out his phone to show us some dead
deer and hog photos. I just said "I really don't want to see them!" Gross.
When we were heading to go search for the missing keys Angela and I were lagging behind and she whispered to me that I just won the Golden Ticket and now when I'm in the doghouse or want something I can always say "Remember that time you lost my keys in the woods?" Excellent point!! That Michael Kors Kempton tote WILL be mine!!