Over the past couple of years I've tried to maintain a friendship with Robin to no avail. I've been nothing but friendly with her. It seems that her girlfriend is very jealous and not very trusting. Considering Robin's cheating history I can't really blame her but isn't it ironic that it's she who doesn't trust when she is the home-wrecker? Interesting. Anyway, she probably found out that Robin came to my office to see me out of the blue (when we were both in relationships!) and then sent me a text later that night asking me if I was interested in having sex with her. Huh?!?! No thanks.
In yet another attempt to be civil I sent her a text asking her about Universal Studios. I was confused about the fact that they had two different parks and wanted to know which one was the best. Robin is the only person I know that has been there that I can think of so I asked her. Right off the bat she was nasty. In the end she said something to the effect of "You live in Florida - go ask a neighbor!" and after realizing that I have lost weight she said something about me being able to fit on rides now. How nice. Who says something like that?! What is she? 12?! Her girlfriends go-to nasty comment was calling me "Fat" so why am I surprised?? Why do I try with her? I never really knew this side of her but apparently she's in a hostile, distrusting environment and it's worn on her. So sad.
Anyway, fuck Robin. This post isn't about her...
A while back a friend suggested trying AirBnB for travel accommodations so I decided to check it out. I wanted to go to a place that was the epitome of relaxation so we decided to go the opposite direction of Universal Studios, and not too far from home... Key Largo. After looking at several places we found this one estate that had several rooms for rent. The room we chose was off the side of a main house with a large bathroom and French doors leading to the water which was only a few steps away. It looked like heaven and just what we needed!

Even though it was getting into the evening hours the visibility in the water was pretty good. There were spots where we were at least 10-15 feet deep and could see down to the bottom. We saw a few reefs and paddled over to check them out. It was so nice floating on the water, listening to the waves, feeling the wind, smelling the sea and doing nothing. Paradise! I still can't believe we didn't see any dolphins though! Tabitha wanted to swim so we headed back to shore which was a challenge due to the wind. We finally arrived, put the kayaks and life vests up, grabbed our snorkels and hit the water. It wasn't exactly reef-like but there were some interesting things to look at.
The only thing that was really on my mind was that this was when the sharks come to life and I didn't want to be dinner. The visibility wasn't so great that I could see 10 feet in front of me so I was feeling very uncomfortable. We did that for a bit then sat on the lounges to watch the sunset. Unfortunately it was a bit cloudy so it wasn't that great.

After the sunset we decided to get dressed and get something to eat. By that it was after 9pm and since it's a small town there's not much to choose from at that hour. We settled on Upper Crust Pizza and had their BBQ chicken pizza. Sooooo good! We should have gotten dessert there because we realized that there was nothing open except the gas station. Nothing like a Hershey bar for dessert on a mini-vacay! When we got back to the room we went to bed since we had a full day of activities ahead of us when we woke up... snorkeling at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park - yay!