Monday, February 23, 2009


First off, I'd like to start off by saying "thank you" to Clytie and Beth for the wonderful compliments they left on my blog. It was actually kind of funny because my best friend Becky has been getting after me for years to write a book... not about me, mind you, but about the truly odd life of my Great Nana. When you asked me if I was a published author I thought Becky had surely put someone up to saying that so I had to confront her. When I found out that she didn't I was truly humbled, so... thank you! It made my day!

Speaking of my day, although sleep deprived, it was very productive. FedEx came around 8:30am and I received the paperwork from Uncle Chuck and Aunt Peggy. I filled out the request for the appointment of Executrix (that sounds dirty, doesn't it?) and got the rest of my paperwork together. After Traci and Tonya arrived we drove down to the courthouse, which is where the probate office is. I handed over my packet to the clerk, Kay, who also handled my Father's estate. She double checked all the paperwork to make sure that everything was completed and properly signed. Being that I have never dealt with an estate before I am completely clueless and asked a million questions on how to do what and when. Kay was quite patient and extremely helpful. She gave me my letter of appointment ($25) and fiduciary letter and also a number of other forms to fill out. Luckily, she noted on all the paperwork with post-its when everything was due back at probate! It's a lot, but I think it's manageable... I'm sure I will be calling her with even more questions as time goes by!

Our second order of business was to stop at the Berkeley Independent, which is the little newspaper in Moncks Corner. Per probate, we had to file a "Notice To Creditors" in a County newspaper ($61) in case anyone wants to file a claim on anything my Mother owed to them before the end of probate. Here's hoping no one reads the Berkeley Independent!

After visiting the paper (and eating lunch!) we headed to the bank to close my Mother's account. I opened an account in the name of my Mother's estate and had them transfer what little was in her account to the estate account. Now I can use that money to pay the past due bills. It's nice to know I won't be living in the dark for at least another couple of months!

Tomorrow I'm headed to pay a couple of the house bills and also need to go to Berkeley Electric to file a claim for their "Deceased Patronage" program. Apparently, when you open an account and have it for a long time, as my parents did, you accrue a percentage (in dollars) of your monthly wattage. This dollar amount builds up in a fund until the account holder passes away, at which time you can file for the money accrued. Who knew??!! Also on task for tomorrow is to file the paperwork for the life insurance policy so I can finally pay the funeral home!

I'm still in search of a job, but I am thankful for these unemployed days that allow me to get the estate ball rolling. I'm driven by the purpose of tasks at hand and I think, for once in a great while, I just might sleep tonight.


Beth Niquette said...

Well, you are VERY welcome! To tell you the truth, I feel so honored you would mention us by name. ((hugs))

I don't know if you know it or not, but our Mom is a published author.

You are truly truly gifted.

Beth Niquette said...

Well, you are VERY welcome! To tell you the truth, I feel so honored you would mention us by name. ((hugs))

I don't know if you know it or not, but our Mom is a published author.

You are truly truly gifted.

Clytie said...

No ... Thank YOU! I would never say something I didn't mean -- wholeheartedly. You are a wonderful writer, and someday I will be reading your published work.

J Pitts Marsh said...

I'm glad to hear that everything to starting to roll along with the estate. If you need anything just give me a call.