For the last few days my neck and shoulders have been killing me. I have a hard time turning my head and have a lot of spasms radiating to my shoulder blades. At first I thought I might have slept wrong, but I really do think it is stress induced. At work I really have to concentrate on what I am doing because of all the rules that go along with each department and doctor numbers so I usually put on my earphones and tune everyone out. Today, in the middle of keying I realized how tense my body was. I started questioning if I was always like that or was it just the music I was listening to? I think that I get so involved with what I am doing that I don't really relax. I need to pay more attention to that!
This past week has been very hectic! I saw a lot of Justin, which was nice. Hopefully he's not tired of looking at my face since he saw me four days in a row! I think that is a record for us. I know that we have done 3 days in a row, but I'm not too sure about 4. You might think that is a weird thing to think about, but considering that we live an hour away from each other it really is hard to arrange time to see each other. With his work, my work and his school we are lucky to have 2 days a week.... so, 4 was nice!
Wednesday night we went to see the True Colors Tour in Columbus. It was also the 10 month anniversary of my first date with Justin that only I find important, but I digress...
The concert tickets were an outrageous $72 and we found out that ONLY $1 goes to HRC and the Matthew Shepard Foundation. That is insane! They only used half of the coliseum and that wasn't even sold out. I really think that they should have used the entire coliseum and lowered ticket prices AND donated more than a damn dollar to the causes. I know that a couple of my friends didn't go because the tickets were so damn expensive.
Justin had been reading reviews about the first couple of dates and he told me that Debbie Harry was getting really bad reviews. She wasn't playing any Blondie songs (perhaps royalty issues?) and one of the dates she was MIA! How can she just not show up?? Also, she didn't do the meet and greets like everyone else did after their performances and she didn't join the rest of the acts for the finale of Cyndi Laupers song "True Colors". What a diva! I was pretty disgusted by all of this before we even went to the concert.
When we arrived we walked into the coliseum and heard The Dresden Dolls. I really thought the other bands would have still been on! We quickly found our seats and watched the rest of their set. Luckily enough we didn't miss much and we got to see them perform all of our favorite songs. By the way, can Amanda Palmer be any hotter???
After Dresden Dolls finished their set, Margaret Cho came onstage and said that they would be signing autographs by the merchandise tables during Debbie Harry's set. Justin looked and me and I think we both questioned what we had just heard! I was pretty much like "screw Debbie Harry... I want to meet the Dresden Dolls!" So off we went. The line was long and I think I was the oldest person in the line... well, maybe one or two people were older than me. I did go back in the coliseum to watch Debbie for a few minutes so I can at least say I saw her perform. I had met her years before so I really didn't care so much, especially since her attitude about the tour was a little snatchy.
After waiting for what seemed like forever we finally had out turn with Brian and Amanda. Justin asked both of them to marry him. I'm not sure what to think about that... Brian said they would all have to move to L.A. so I guess I will be single again whenever the tour ends :) They were both accomodating and fabulous and well worth missing Debbie Harry for!!!
When we headed back to our seats we ran into Jeffrey, whom we met at the Johnette Napolitano show a couple of weeks ago. He wore his special yellow jumpsuit just for me! Turns out that his seat was near ours... not that he sat in it. He pretty much danced through the show in his yellow jumpsuit in the area where no one was sitting. People kept taking pictures of him because, really... who wears a yellow jumpsuit to a concert?

Erasure played the next set after Debbie. Who knew that the homosexuals loved their Erasure so much?! There were actually several people that left after their set. Why would you pay that much money and skip seeing Cyndi Lauper?? That's crazy. Speaking of Cyndi. She was phenomenal! She put on an amazing show! I have always loved her, but I really do have a whole new respect for her.

On Friday Justin's tarot guild was having an open night so all of us Muggles could go and see what exactly they are up to. It was a session on the Akashic Record, which I think it really interesting. We had to do this exercise on free-form writng and I just couldn't do it. I was alone, sitting in a quiet area, trying to concentrate and I felt like if I started to write, I would start cyring. I'm glad I wasn't on my period or we would have ALL been in trouble! I chose to write nothing. I just didn't want to expose myself like that, even though I knew that no one would ever see what I wrote. I felt like the flood gates would open and I try so hard to keep them in check... ya know?
So... Saturday was our second White Trash night... or "WT Night" as we so lovingly call it. Last week Justin and Becky came over and we made Chef Boyardee pizza's that come in a box. None of us had them since we were kids so we bought a couple and hung out. We were going to make beautiful jewelry, but sadly, my supplies hadn't arrived yet! This past Saturday night it was only Justin and I since Becky was out of town. We decided to make Manwiches and tater tots. I mean, really... you can't get much more WT than that! It actually was really good if I do say so myself! I am quite the WT chef!
Our original plan was to eat our WT cuisine, make some fabulous jewelry (since I had received all of my lovely supplies!) and watch "The Queen", which we have been wanting to see. Turns out that we only had time to eat dinner and make some jewelry. Turns out that I am not only the Jackson Pollack of house painting, but also of jewelry making! The soldering iron is incredibly hot and I am sure am am bound to melt some metal onto my skin eventually. Justin said I get "easily frustrated"... I might be easily frustrated, BUT I am, without a doubt, the Queen of Patience!
Sunday Becky and I had made plans to find a place to go swimming. If you are not aware, Ohio is quite possibly the world worst place to go swimming. The lakes are dirty and filled with oil and gas from the boats and jet ski's. We decided to go to the water park to float on the lazy river and dodge children running around out of control. Sounds fun, huh? Well, we get to the park at 11:30 and the damn thing doesn't open until 1pm. What kind of a water park opens up at 1pm on a weekend? That's crazy. I told Becky I felt like the Griswolds pulling up to Wally World when we pulled in and saw no cars! Oh well! On to plan B.
We went to Caesars Creek (which I am re-naming "Petrol Lake") and put our blanket down in a nice open spot. As our luck would have it, whenever someone came they would put their blanket right next to ours even though there were several wide open spaces. Can someone tell me why this happens?? We proceeded to take off our shorts and shirts and examined our not-ready-for-bathing-suit bodies. For the next couple of minutes we pointed out (literally) all of our flawed and unhappily fat areas of our bodies. My bathing suit is in serious need of retirement. It's too big and the butt just doesn't fit anymore. I have this major sag when I come out of the water, which isn't fun, really. I have to constantly pull the ass up since it's so big.
When we arrived I, of course, did the beach check of seeing if there was anyone with less of a tan or scarier in a bathing suit than me... and thankfully there was, so all was good. What wasn't good was when the extremely hot group of girls sat right next to us. Don't they know that they are breaking the most sacred beach rule? When you are hot, you sit with the other hot people and leave us mediocre people to be miserable on the beach in our too-big bathing suits and extremely white bodies! Ugh! The girls were foreign and spoke a language we couldn't place. I took turns between cursing them silently for sitting next to us with their perfect butts (and they were perfect!) and then wondering if the Dairy Corner would be open when we left for ice cream.
Yes... it's been a hard week. Thank God for soft clothes!